We talk a lot about content marketing. A LOT. But we also talk about it in ways that assumes that other people know exactly what we are talking about.

And we know (because we coach our clients on this alllllll the time…. despite not taking our own advice……) that often times your audience has a basic level of understanding, so you need to take it back to the basics! So let’s start with some basics about content.

But what exactly is marketing content, and why is it such a critical element in modern marketing strategies? And why do we love it so much?

What Is Marketing Content?

Marketing content refers to the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and engaging material with the aim of attracting, engaging, and retaining a target audience. This material can take various forms, from blog posts and social media updates to videos, infographics, eBooks, and more. It serves as a bridge between businesses and their customers, conveying information, solving problems, and nurturing relationships.

When we think of marketing content, we can categorize the purpose of the content in a few pillars (or content “buckets” even.) So what are these types or categories of content?

The Pillars of Marketing Content

  1. Informative Content: This type of content provides knowledge, insights, and answers to your audience’s questions. It establishes your authority in your industry, fostering trust and credibility.
  2. Educational Content: Educational content goes beyond basic information to teach your audience something new. It can include how-to guides, tutorials, and explainer videos that help your audience develop a deeper understanding of a subject.
  3. Entertaining Content: Sometimes, the best way to engage an audience is through entertainment. Memes, humor, storytelling, and visually appealing content fall into this category, captivating your audience and making your brand more relatable.
  4. Inspiring Content: This type of content motivates and inspires your audience. It often features success stories, case studies, or thought-provoking pieces that encourage action or change.

So why does content in marketing matter? 

Why Marketing Content Matters

  1. Builds Brand Identity: Content helps shape your brand’s identity and voice, making it distinctive and memorable in the minds of your audience.
  2. Drives Traffic: High-quality content is key to attracting visitors to your website or social media platforms. It can improve your search engine rankings and increase organic traffic.
  3. Fosters Engagement: Engaging content keeps your audience interacting with your brand. This interaction can lead to more significant brand loyalty and advocacy.
  4. Educates and Informs: Content serves as a valuable resource for your audience, providing answers to their questions and addressing their pain points.
  5. Supports Lead Generation: Content can be used to capture leads and nurture them into customers. Valuable content, like eBooks or webinars, can be exchanged for contact information.
  6. Enhances SEO: Regularly updated and relevant content signals to search engines that your website is active and authoritative, potentially improving your search rankings.
  7. Establishes Trust: High-quality, informative content builds trust with your audience. When you provide reliable information, your audience is more likely to trust your products or services.
  8. Grows Your Audience: Shareable and engaging content can go viral, expanding your reach and introducing your brand to new audiences.
  9. Conveys Your Message: Content allows you to communicate your brand’s values, goals, and mission effectively. It helps you tell your brand’s story.

Smart and thoughtful content marketing serves as the bridge between brands and their audiences, conveying information, building trust, and nurturing relationships. Businesses that understand the significance of creating valuable, engaging, and relevant content will thrive. In a world where consumer expectations and technological advances are on the rise, marketing content will be the driving force behind winning the hearts and minds of customers, fostering lasting relationships, and ultimately achieving success in the competitive marketplace.