The Power of Native Content: Why it’s Vital for Your Social Media Strategy

In today’s world, social media platforms have become a crucial part of our daily lives. We use them to connect with friends and family, follow our favorite celebrities and brands, and get information on the latest news and trends. We spend hours a week on them, and have really found a way to seamlessly connect them to our everyday lives.

Because of this user adoption and user behaviors. businesses are also realizing the importance of social media and are leveraging these platforms to reach their target audience – as they should.

However, with so much content being produced every day, it can be challenging for businesses to stand out and work to make their message heard. This is where native content really shines.

Before we get too far into the why, let’s work to define native content.

What is Native Content?

Native content refers to content that is created specifically for a particular platform and fits seamlessly into the user experience. It is designed to match the look and feel of the platform and is optimized for the platform’s unique features. Users expect this and trying to place non-native content on platforms can cause your message to be lost and your efforts to be wasted.

Native content is: images on Instagram; longer format text posts on LinkedIn; videos on TikTok; threads on Twitter; and so on. Think of what kind of content is created everyday by a normal user – that’s what’s native to that platform. Now, things change (ahem Instagram, we’re looking at you) but generally it takes some time to change the expectations up drastically.

So why create native content? AKA why should a business care about creating content specific to the platforms they engage their audience on?

Increases Engagement
One of the main benefits of creating native content is that it can increase engagement. Native content is designed to fit seamlessly into the user experience, making it more likely that users will interact with it. By creating content that feels natural and organic to the platform, businesses can increase the chances of users liking, commenting, and sharing their posts. And this is key to creating and driving brand awareness and demand.

Improves Reach
Social media algorithms are designed to promote content that is relevant and engaging. By creating native content that resonates with their audience, businesses can improve their reach and increase the chances of their content being seen by more people. This can lead to more followers, more engagement, and ultimately more business.

Builds Brand Awareness
Creating native content can also help businesses build brand awareness. By creating content that is unique and memorable, businesses can stand out from the competition and create a lasting impression on their audience. Native content can also help businesses showcase their personality and values, making it easier for users to connect with and relate to their brand. This allows brands to really be in the driver’s seat of demand generation and create a great relationship with their audience.

Creates a Consistent Brand Experience
Creating native content can help businesses create a consistent brand experience across all social media platforms. By designing content that fits seamlessly into the user experience, businesses can create a cohesive look and feel that reflects their brand identity. This can help users recognize and remember their brand, no matter where they encounter it on social media. This is so important to creating a brand identity that resonates with your audience, as well as creates longevity on digital platforms. So many brands jump around too often, forgetting the huge amount of data and content your general consumer is subject to each day. Consistency truly is key!

Takes Advantage of Platform Features
Each social media platform has its own unique features and capabilities. By creating native content, businesses can take advantage of these features and create content that is optimized for each platform. For example, businesses can use Instagram’s Reels feature to create short, engaging videos, or Facebook groups to drive meaningful engagement and conversation, or jump on fun songs and sounds on TikTok. This can add a playfulness to brands and businesses and connect with your audience that way as well.

Increases Conversions
Creating native content can also help businesses increase conversions. By creating content that is relevant and engaging, businesses can build trust with their audience and increase the likelihood that they will take action, whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a contact form.

Creating native content is essential for businesses that want to succeed on social media platforms. By creating content that is designed specifically for each platform, businesses can increase engagement, improve reach, build brand awareness, create a consistent brand experience, take advantage of platform features, and increase conversions.

In today’s competitive digital landscape, businesses that don’t invest in creating native content risk being left behind. So, if you’re looking to grow your business on social media, be sure to create content that feels natural and organic to each platform.