5 Gut-Check Questions for Website Design Success

Today’s blog is short and sweet and to the point, because well it’s been a little bit frustrating lately with websites.

So many websites out there, and so many bad UX and designs it’s starting to get disorienting.

When it comes to website design, we often get caught up in the details—color schemes, cool fonts, fancy videos—while overlooking the bigger picture. But if your site doesn’t function well and guide users easily, all those extras don’t matter.

To see if your website stacks up, let’s keep it simple and answer these 5 key questions with your gut instinct. No overthinking. No “well, maybe.” Just YES or NO. Let’s see if your website design passes this basic test!

1. Is my load time fast enough to keep people on my site?

People these days have the attention span of a goldfish (8 seconds, to be exact). If your site takes too long to load, visitors will yeet themselves out of there faster than you can say “bounce rate.” Whether you’ve packed your site with high-quality images or interactive elements, none of it matters if no one sticks around to see it. Gut-check: Is your load time fast? Yes or No?

Pro Tip: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to see if your load time is slowing down conversions.

2. Is there a CLEAR CTA within the first 5-6 second scan of the homepage?

Let’s be honest: users don’t have time for ambiguity. If they land on your homepage and can’t tell within seconds what you want them to do, you’ve already lost them. Assume users are distracted, overwhelmed, or simply lazy. Spoon-feed them the action you want them to take with a clear, compelling call to action (CTA). Gut-check: Can visitors see what you want them to do within the first 5-6 seconds? Yes or No?

Pro Tip: Your CTA should be big, bold, and in plain sight. Whether it’s “Sign Up,” “Shop Now,” or “Learn More,” make it impossible to miss.

3. If there’s a video, is it clear that it’s a video, or does it autoplay?

Videos can enhance your website’s engagement, but only if users realize they’re there. If you’re going to include a video, make sure it’s obvious that it’s a video or have it autoplay (just don’t tank your load time doing it). An obscure video thumbnail hidden halfway down the page isn’t doing anyone any favors. Gut-check: Does your video clearly look like a video or autoplay? Yes or No?

Pro Tip: If you choose autoplay, make sure it doesn’t affect your load speed. If you don’t, add an eye-catching play button or animation to make it crystal clear it’s a video.

4. Are my colors and fonts consistent with the rest of my brand?

Brand consistency is one of the most basic rules of design, yet it’s often overlooked. The colors and fonts you use on your website should align with your overall brand identity. If your website is a chaotic mix of hues and font styles, it’s confusing and dilutes your message. Gut-check: Are your colors and fonts on-brand? Yes or No?

Pro Tip: Stick with a limited color palette and no more than two or three fonts across your entire site. Consistency builds trust and makes your brand recognizable.

5. Is it easy to navigate, and does the menu make sense to a user?

You may know your website like the back of your hand, but the average user doesn’t. If your menu is complicated or confusing, visitors will give up before they even explore what you have to offer. Your navigation should be intuitive, not designed for subject matter experts (like you). Gut-check: Can a user easily navigate your menu without having to think too hard? Yes or No?

Pro Tip: Test your navigation with someone unfamiliar with your website. If they struggle, it’s time to simplify.

Do the Gut-Check Today

These five simple questions can reveal whether your website design is helping or hurting your business. Remember, the goal is to create an intuitive, user-friendly experience that quickly delivers the information visitors need. A high-performing website is not about what you think looks good—it’s about what makes sense to your users.

Take a few minutes today to do this gut-check on your site: Is your load time fast enough? Is your CTA clear? Does your video work? Are your colors and fonts consistent? And is your site easy to navigate? If you answered “No” to any of these, it’s time for a website tune-up!

Your visitors—and your business—will thank you.

Need an audit? Need some help? Hit us up.